On Wednesday, February 15, 2017, over 150 motorcyclists from all over Arizona converged on the states house in Phoenix to bring attention to motorcycle rights and the need to re-instate the Motorcycle Safety Fund.
There were approx 150-175 riders in attendance representing something like 20+ clubs and organizations. While the majority of the representatives and senators were unable to attend due to a furious committee schedule, I was able to meet and chat with (and grab a quick photo of) 3 representatives and 2 senators.
- Representative Randall Friese, (D) District 9
- Representative Kelly Townsend, (R) District 16
- Representative Kelli Butler, (D) District 28
- Senator Sean Bowie (D) District 18
- Senator Warren Petersen (R) District 12
We greatly appreciate these legislators taking the time to meet with us and we look forward to their support for re-instating the Motorcycle Safety Fund.
The complete list of legislators that checked in or sent their representatives to say hello:
- Senators
- Karen Fann
- Sylvia Allen
- Steve Farley
- Steve Smith
- Sean Bowie
- Katie Hobbs
- Kate Brophy-McGee
- Warren Petersen
- Representatives
- Noel Campbell
- Sally Ann Gonzales
- David Cook
- Randal Friese
- Todd Clodfelter
- Mitzi Epstein
- Isela Blanc
- Kelli Butler
- David Stringer
- Marcario Saldate
- Paul Mosley
- Bob Thorpe
- T.J. Shope
- Kristen Engel
- Travis Grantham
- Dan Shooter
- Kelly Townsend
- Jeff Weninger
- Jill Norgaard
- Phil Lovas
- Michele Ugenti-Rita
- Michele Udall
- Athena Salman
- Rebecca Rios
- Maria Syms
If you know of any others that I missed, please let me know in the comments.