How To Stay Informed on Motorcycle Rights Issues in Arizona!

The ABATE of AZ Lobbyist, working with the MMA and ACMC Lobbyist, maintains several email lists to keep motorcyclists informed of the legislative happenings at the State Capitol. To participate it is very easy. Read the descriptions below, and click the links under the ones that interest you.

Note: If you already receive emails from the ABATE of AZ Lobbyist, you may have to sign-up again because these are new lists for 2019. The system does NOT allow duplicates so if you are not sure, sign-up.

Here are your options:

Az Motorcycle Lobby
A broad overview of what the Arizona State Motorcycle Rights Organizations are doing to protect your freedoms. This is motorcycle specific. This information covers ABATE of Arizona, MMA, ACMC, AMA, MRF and other motorcycle advocacy organizations. The place to get ALL the information on what the SMROs are doing not only in Arizona but occasionally from around the country.
Options: Legislative Updates, Call to action alerts, Motorcycle advocacy events

ABATE of Arizona Legislative Update
ABATE of Arizona membership should receive these emails. Very similar to the Az Motorcycle Lobby emails in addition to ABATE of Arizona events. Usually once a week. Your email address will be shared internally with the ABATE membership and communication officers but no one else. ABATE of Arizona retains this subscriber list for their communications.
Options: Legislative Updates, Call to action alerts, Motorcycle advocacy events

Copper Dome Update
In the modern world, awareness of legislation and having information about the laws that affect daily life for Arizona citizens is more important than ever. However, tracking legislation from the Copper Dome can be a daunting task. That’s why we are here. Nonpartisan information about what is happening at the Arizona state capital along with a few updates from Washington DC along the way.
Options: Daily Updates or a weekly recap

Blog Article Updates
Opinion articles on what impacts motorcyclists not only in Arizona but nationally.
Options: Daily or Weekly

Arizona Grassroots Advocacy Articles
“I want to make a difference, but I don’t know how.” I’ve heard this over and over. Nearly everyone, whether in the nonprofit world or not, has a vague idea of what constitutes the term “grassroots advocacy”; however, if somebody stopped you in the street and asked you to give an official definition, it may be difficult to spell out exactly what activities count as true grassroots advocacy. So here are tips and training with the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of grassroots advocacy (disclaimer: not necessarily in that order). Once a week an article will be delivered in your inbox on how to be an effective grassroots advocate. It doesn’t matter what side of the aisle you lean towards. These will be “best practices” from all perspectives.

Arizona Leadership Institute
Leadership in your inbox.
Must-reads from our most recent articles on leadership and managing people, delivered once a week.